Repair & Maintenance Services

Make Your Instrument An Extension Of you

Let’s make beautiful music together.

The most important part of my work as a repair craftsman is the opportunity to build relationships with my clients and their instruments. This allows me to deepen my understanding of both the artist and their instrument and deliver even better, more personalized service.

See what we excel at:


COA (Clean, Oil, Adjust)

A comprehensive tuneup/mini overhaul for your clarinet.


Extra Clarinet Adjustment Screws

Refine your technique and intonation with adjustment screws.


Tenon Sleeve

Reinforce or repair the tenon connections on your clarinet.


Key Transfer

New joints and key transfer for damaged clarinets.


Crack Repair

Sealing cracks with cyanoacrylate, carbon fiber, and/or pinning.


Quality Clarinet Maintenance

Keep your clarinet performance-ready! We offer a range of other services to meet all your clarinet needs.

Meet With Liam

Schedule an Appointment.

Please use this form to contact us before scheduling your maintenance or repair appointment with us. We look forward to helping you keep your woodwind instrument in top condition.

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