
Burke Woodwinds specializes in high end clarinets and is a premier authorized Buffet Crampon dealer in New York City.

Festival Bb Clarinet

Our Festival Bb and A clarinets are the most popular instruments among our customers.


Product Details

Designed in 1987 in collaboration with three world-class clarinet players—Jacques Lancelot, Guy Deplus and Michael Arringnon—the Festival clarinet meets the requirements of today’s musicians, soloists and teachers interpreting the widest possible repertoire of works, from Mozart to Boulez. Considered a Prestige-level clarinet, the Festival has many upgraded features, including an alternate E-flat/A-flat key for the left hand, premium unstained African Blackwood, two tuning barrels, metal tenon caps and GT pads. Available in Bb and A models, and in Greenline material