
Burke Woodwinds specializes in high end clarinets and is a premier authorized Buffet Crampon dealer in New York City.

R13 A Clarinet Silver Keys

Buffet Crampon R-13 professional clarinets have long been the benchmark for both professional and advanced student clarinet players. These clarinets deliver a rich, vibrant tone with outstanding projection.


Product Details

The Buffet R13, legendary choice of professionals, was created in 1955 by Robert Carree and is the most popular clarinet in the world. The R13 was the first clarinet to feature Buffet’s iconic poly-cylindrical bore design, giving it a beautiful, brilliant and focused tone, and allowing for evenness, flexibility, clear response, and excellent intonation across all its registers. Buffet’s R13 is the industry standard and a living classic, lending itself to all types of repertoires and ensembles.